Coconut oil is the fat extracted from the white flesh of mature coconuts. There are many grades of coconut oil depending on the application.
The trend to use edible ingredients for application on the body is growing trend. The logic is that, anything you apply to your skin should be safe to eat. In the beauty aisle coconut oil has been a staple for a while, as a moisturiser for skin and hair, oil pulling for healthy gums or even as a makeup remover.
Recently we have had many enquiries from journalists and customers about using coconut oil as lube and some celebrities caught our attention too! So this prompted us to research among our customer base and write a post looking at the pros and cons of using coconut oil as a lubricant. Apparently the ancient Romans and Greeks used Olive oil, and many professionals seem to share the view that most plant based oils are suitable to use as a lube but coconut oil has quite a few advantages compared to other oils. Although our customers swear by our coconut oil sachets they made us made us swear not to use their names on testimonials! Understandable J.
This is why our customers said they use Coconut Oil as a lube:
Natural, preservative free & cost effective
It’s resilient as a lubricant, especially if you are going through menopause
Natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties
Almost no stains and less messy on the sheets compared to other oils like olive oil
Some natural lubricants contain coconut oil already which seem validate our thoughts
Its more lubricating than water based lubricants
It contains caprylic acid, which is said to fight a variety of candida strains
Cons for coconut oil as a lube:
Not advisable to use with latex condoms since there is a risk of the latex in condom breaking, a solution for this is using polyurethane condoms.
Check if you are allergic on a small patch of skin
Although coconut oil stains less than other plant based oils, coconut oil may stain your sheets. Baking soda is a great ally; apply for 30 minutes to the stained area before washing your sheets.
If you plan to try coconut oil as a lube, what kind of coconut oil should you be using as a personal lubricant?
The coconut oil should be smelling sweet and white in colour when solid.
Double dipping is definitely a no no, especially if you introduce moisture into the jar as a result, this could introduce mould into the jar and then to you.
Unrefined, virgin, cold pressed, unbleached & organic as a minimum. There are chemicals like hexane used in processing some coconut oils. Although manufacturers are not required by law to declare processing ingredients, there might still be some traces.
No added ingredients like fragrances
Our handy, travel-sized 10ml Organic Coconut Oil Sachets are a convenient format for this versatile vegan lubricant. As a bonus its flushed with nitrogen to preserve the qualities of this versatile product and maintain sterility.
Recently our coconut oil sachets impressed the journalists at Female First as a vegan lubricant that they wrote about it.